©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


明らかにする ・Vainio et al. (1993) were the first to demonstrate that ......  [M]
・To clarify the relationship between appearance of the enamel knot and supformation, the E13.5 tooth germs .....
・To investigate the role of BMP4 in tooth development, we used AS-ODN to cause BMP4 translation arrest in vitro.
・To examine the efficiency of AS-ODN for translation arrest of BMP4 mRNA, we employed RT-PCR analysis instead of an immunological method. 
・Two alternative transcriptional starting sites were identified, one in exon I and the other in exon II and the alternative splicing is regulated mainly by the 5' flanking region of exon I.

在る/無い ・When HGF was presents/absents in the medium, clusters of cells disappeared <受け身になる> 
・in the presence/absence of HGF <under the presence ....とは云わない。under present condition はOK。ただし、「現在の」という意味になる。in と underをきちんと使い分けること [M]>
・If HGF is present/absent,
・, with culture in the absence or presence of 6ng/ml HGF
・Control cultures were incubated without HGF 
・Inner enamel epithelial cells proliferate in response to stimulation by HGF = に依存して

現れる/消える ・When HGF was presents in the medium, clusters of cells appeared /disappeared
・Positive staining has disappeared of at the tip of the dental papillae.
〜ingの使い方 ・scattering of cells = 細胞の分散は
・scattering cell = 分散している細胞は

言い換えると つまり

以前 ・as demonstrated previously in molars = 以前、臼歯で示された様に <as demonstrated in molars previously はダメ [B]>
・In a preliminary study, = 事前の実験で [B]
・....as mentioned previously.

以降 ・the percentage did not change after day 4 
・immunopositive for c-Met tended to increase during the culture period, being 78% on day 1 and more than 99% from day 4 onwards.
・on day 4 after inoculation

依存して ・Dose-dependent stimulation by HGF of the growth of AL cells. <dependent on かと思いきや、dependent of だった [B]>
・Inner enamel epithelial cells proliferate in response to stimulation by HGF =に依存して

著しい ・HGF at 2 - 20 ng/ml induced a marked increase in the number of AL cells.
・HGF at 2 ng/ml had an obvious stimulatory effect on the proliferation of AL cells
・However, no ovbious scattering is observed in vivo. <ovbious scattering is not observed in vivo はダメ [B]>
・the percentage of obviously scattering cells, =明らかに分散している細胞の百分率は

一致する ・This findings are essentially consistent with data obtained from murine molars.
・The distal-proximal direction in these teeth coresponds to the lef-right direction in this frame. = これらの歯の遠位-近位方向は、写真の左右と合わせている
・The initiative potential in tooth development shifts from the epithelium to the mesenchyme at E11.5, coinciding with a shift of Bmp4 expression from the epithelium to the dental mesenchyme. = 歯の発生における誘導能は E11.5 に上皮から間葉へと移るが、それは Bmp4 の発現が上皮から間葉へと移るのと一致する。

意味する 示す
打ち消す ・Some mechanism to overcome this effect of HGF might exist, for example, 
・Tucker et al. (1998) suggested that Noggin, which binds BMP4 with high affinity and can abolish its activity by blocking the binding of it to cell surface receptors, transformed tooth identity from incisor to molar shape. <「うち消す」abolish と「阻害する」 blocking の使い分け。>

促す ・HGF promotes the proliferation and scattering of AL cells.
・HGF at 2 - 20 ng/ml induced a marked increase in the number of AL cells.
・HGF stimulates the proliferation of AL cells.
・Dose-dependent stimulation by HGF of the growth of AL cells. <dependent on かと思いきや、dependent of だった [B]>
・This promotion should raise the ameloblast sheet sufficiently to cover the mass of the dental papilla (〜を〜させる)
得られる ・data obtained from murine molars

泳動する ・The amplified products were loaded on a 1.5% agarose gel and electrophoresed .  <....loaded into a 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis. ではない [M]>
応答できる ・.... are equally responsive to epithelial signals.

おそらく 多分

行った ・we performed an analysis of ...
・Immunostaining using.... was performed as described previously.
・we employed the antisense technique using molar tooth germs removed from...
・To examine the efficiency of AS-ODN for translation arrest of BMP4 mRNA, we employed RT-PCR analysis instead of an immunological method.
・RT-PCR was carried out as in a previous study.

同じ 同様の

終わる ・Murine incisors erupt to form a crown continuously throughout the animal's life and formation of a crown is never terminated. =歯冠形成は終生、終わらない [B]
・When maximum staining had develop, cells were rinsed with water tostop the reaction. =反応を止める [B]
・By its cells leaving the proliferative mode, the enamel knot could cause the unequal growth of the IEE cells,  = 増殖状態から離れる事で

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