©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA | updated on
2019/06/23 |
[雑] | |
とびら | |
あ | か | さ | た | な | は | ま | や | ら | わ | 数 | 雑 | |
特殊な複数形 | ・普通: organell/organelles ・ギリシャ系: analysis/analyses, basis/bases, crisis/crises, oasis/oases, thesis/theses, phenomenon/phenomena, criterion/criteria ・ラテン系: serum/sera, medium/media, datum/data, index/indices, theca/thecae, antenna/antenae, formula/formulae, nucleus/nuclei, focus/foci ・フランス系: bureau/bureaux, plateau/plateaux, madam/mesdames |
単数・複数 | ・each のあとは単数 ・other types of epithelial cell ・BMP receptors IA and IB are expressed in....... <receptor とすると IB はレセプターではいない、ただの IB という名の遺伝子ということになる> ・AS-ODN-treated explants exhibited a lack of the cusp formation and of ameloblasts differentiation in the occlusl region. <lack は不可算なので、of をふたつ持っていても単数形。> |
受身で書く例 | ・HGF is expressed in the
mesenchymal area near the cervical loop. ・HGF is synthesized mainly in mesenchymal cells. <is mainly synthesized ではない[B]> ・HGF was localized in the dental papillae that.. ・When HGF was presents/absents in the medium, clusters of cells disappeared ・the ameloblast layer is located on the dentin or on the cheesy enamel ・Non-specific staining was examined. ・Antibodies were purified by use of highly purified recombinant rat HGF that had been immobilized on Sepharose beads. ・The specimens were mounted on glass slides, air-dried, fixed with NBF for 30 min, and used for immunohistochemical analysis. |
前置詞がつかない例 | ・over night の前 |
文頭 | ・Fifty microliters of FuGENE6 was diluted
in 1 ml of DMEDM. <数字はダメ。続く単位もひらがきにする > ・Eleven (72%) of 15 explants treated with AS-ODN showed an abnormal crown lacking cusps. |
ハイフン(-) | ・必要な場合: high-affinity, 10-day-old, serum-free,
non-specific ・不要な場合: intercuspal, day 10 |
コロン(:) | ・cultures of AL cells were intentionally contaminated with dental papilla cells (at ratios of ameloblast-lineage cell to dental papilla of 10:0, 9:1, 7:3, 5:5 and 0:10). |
セミコロン(;) | ・HGF, Hepatocyte growth factor; SF, scatter factor; CV, crystal violet; OD, optical density. <ひとつの文と同じ体裁 [B]> |
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