©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


・50 ml of PBS <数字と単位の間は1字空ける>
・the embedded tissue were serially sectioned 8um |thick/in the thickness|
濃度 ・HGF at 6ng/ml <6ng/ml HGF ではない[B]>
・50 units/ml penicillin
時間 ・HGF was added to the medium at 6 ng.ml every secondday , when the medium was changed.
単位 ・the wavelength of 405nm
・25-cm2 <25cm2 ではない[B]>
乗数の読み方 ・102 = ten to the second power/ten squared
・83 = eight to the third power/eight cubed
・cm2 = square centimeter
・mm3 = cubic millimeter
・cm-1 = reciprocal centimeter
直径 ・100 to 280 um in diameter size
・0.05% Tween 20 in PBS <数字と%の間は詰 める>
・0.1-0.6 ml of 10% MS222
・AL cells were cultured in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air at 37 oC
・After treatment with 3% NGS in PBS for 30 minutes to block non-specific binding of antibodies,
割合 In all of the 28 control explants and 8 RS-ODN-treated explants, the tooth germs showe normal structure.
希釈率 ・rabbit antibodies against rat HGF (1:200; generous gift from Dr...)
略号 ・w/w = weight by weight
吸光度 ・The number of cells was correlated with the absorbance by reference to a blank control, and the cell number was calculated from following formula: cell numebr (cells.well) = 4.1051x105xA550-8799.5 . =細胞数はブランク試料をリファレンスにして得られた吸光度と関係があり、その数は次式により求められた。<数式が入っても最後にピリオドを打って 文の体裁をとること [B]>
・The linear relationship between OD and actual cell number was determined by counting the number of cell per 0.01-cm2 field in 96 trial. =96回の試行により、OD と実際の細胞数は比例関係にあることが 0.01cm2あ たりの細胞数を数えることで確認された。
・The optical density (OD) of the specimens was measuredat 550 nm with a microplate reader.
統計 ・A significant difference compared with the control (p<0.05)
・Each point and bar represent the mean of result from 4 samples ±SE
・regression formula = 回帰直線

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