©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


場合 ・So the confirmation of efficiency of AS-ODN by RT-PCR is considered to be a practical choice when the immunological method is not available.

発現する ・HGF is expressed in the mesenchymal area near the cervical loop... 
Expression of HGF in incisor tooth germs at various stages of development. <HGF expression はだめ [B]>

発生段階 ・Rats on embryonic day 18(E18), E19, and postnatal day 0 (P0)
・Expression of HGF in incisor tooth germs at various stages of development. <at various development stages ではない。various は stages の直前でないと意味が通じない [B]>

判断して ・...., as judged from the results of analysis with amelogenin-specific monoclonal antibody <by judging from... はだめ [B]>
引き起こす 結 果をもたらす

比較して ・...., as compared with normal tooth germs [B]
・By contrast, = これに対して
・The size of these tooth germs was comparatively small but the shape ... <対比の相手を省略できる。small の前に来る>

標識の ・BrdU-labeled cells, 
・BrdU was incorporated predominantly by scattering cells.
・Cells were pulse-labeled for 2 hours with BrdU in complete MCDB.
・Proliferating cells were identified by monitoring incorporation of BrdU with a Cell Proliferation kit.

表記する みなす

標的にした ・Tooth germ explants were removed from E13.5 mice and cultured in chemically defined medium in the presence of AS-ODN targeting BMP4 mRNA.  <targeting to ではない [M]>
増える/減る ・the index increased/decreased to 3% during the first 4 days.

含む ・AL cells that consisted of inner enamel epithelial cells, preameloblasts and ameloblasts. <AL cells consisting of はダメ [B]>
・its includes hydrocortisone to prevent the growth of mesenchymal cells = 間葉細胞の増殖を防ぐためにハイドロコーチゾンを含む [B]
・This medium contains a low concentration of Ca2+ ions 
・A vector plasmid containing the full-length mouse BMP4 sequence and elongation factor promotor was kindly donated by Dr. Ueno. 
・MCDB153 medium, which is a serum-free culture medium
・the medium had to be supplemented with bovine pituitary extract,
・Control cultures were incubated without HGF. =含まない

防ぐ ・its includes hydrocortisone to prevent the growth of mesenchymal cells = 間葉細胞の増殖を防ぐためにハイドロコーチゾンを含む [B]
・After treatment with 3% NGS in PBS for 30 minutes to block non-specific binding of antibodies,

不明である ・However, the mechanism remains to be clarified . = しかしながら、そのメカニズムは未だ不明である(解明されるべく残されている)。[B]
・its developmental role remains uncertain

不明瞭である ・in which case the enamel knot formation was lost or obscure . =失われているか、不明瞭であった。

分離する 分ける
減る 増える

変化しない 変 わらなかった

とびら へ 前へ 次へ
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