©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


確かめる 明らか にする

多分 ・This difference in the timing of expression is probably based on the specific nature of the development of murine incisors. =多分〜に起因するのだろう
近く(数値が) ・the labeling indices were close to 39%

注目せよ Note that, although IEE cells in the occlusal region in non-treated control and RS-ODN-treated explants had differentiated into preameloblasts (B, E), those cell in AS-ODN-treated explant did not undergo the differentiation (H). <Legend などで>
Note the lack of the enamel knot.

調整された ・30 uM AS-ODN and medium conditioned by BMP4-transfected COS7 cells were added simultaneously. <conditioned medium of BMP4-transfected COS7 cells ではない [M] >
つまり ・namely
・i.e., : あらたまった表現
・in other words: 言い換えると
・that is,

強い ・immunostaining was particularly intense
・HGF has a strong effect to the proliferation of AL cells.
Strong signals are visible especially in the inner enamel epithelium

続けて ・The transfected COS7 cells were subsequently cultured for 48 hours in fresh 10% FCS-DMEM. = 継続して培養した
・The explants that had been cultured for 3 days with AS-ODN and then culturedfurther for 11 days withour AS-ODN showed no cusp formation. = さらに培養した
・These results suggest that BMP4 is necessary for the formation of the enamel knot and that the latter subsequently induces the cusp formation in the tooth germ.

次のような ・The explants cultured with AS-ODN showed the following abnormal features:  1) The occlusal region......  <abnormal features as follows ではだめ [M]>
摘出する ・Tooth germ explants were removed from E13.5 mice and cultured in chemically defined medium in the presence of AS-ODN targeting BMP4 mRNA.

手に入れる ・Newborn SD rats were purchased from Nihon Doubutsu. =購入する
・Antiserum against rat HGF was raised in rabbits immunized with recombinant rat HGF. =作って手に入れる
・The sequence of BMP4 mRNA was obtained from the Entrez site of NCBI.
・Three-day AS-ODN treatment of the tooth germ explants obtainedfrom E13.5 mice inhibited the formation of the enamel knot, and further culture of the explants in the absence of AS-ODN resulted in the lack of cusps, .....

添加する 加える
到達する ・Control explants cultured for 14 days reached the late bell stage and showed normal development of the tooth.  <reached to ではない [M] >

同様の ・The effect of HGF at 20 ng/ml was similar to that at 6 ng/ml. = 同様の結果であった。
・But similar cell clusters known as secondary enamel knots appear in the future cusp tips at the vell stage.
・Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the characteristic temporal distribution of HGF, as well as the continuous expression of c-Met.
・the explant that were treated with RS-ODN exhibited the normal development asobserved in vivo.
as seen in vivo  <as soon as in vivo ではない [M]>
・as same as
・.... are equally responsive to epithelial signals. =同じように応答できる。

〜の時 場合

とりわけ ・immunostaining was particularly intense

とりこみ 標識の

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