©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


利用して 用いて

両方で ・...., but the differentiation of IEE cells occurred normally in both the occlusal and proximate regions.
・Two alternative transcriptional starting sites were identified, one in exon I and the other in exon II and the alternative splicing is regulated mainly by the 5' flanking region of exon I.  <identified in exon I and exon II each ではダメ [M]>
例をあげると ・...., for example, NGF, FGF, EGF....

連続して ・c-Met was expressed continuously in the cells of the enamel organ.
・Murine incisors erupt to form a crown continuously throught the animal's life and formation of a crown is never terminated. [B]

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