©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA updated on  2019/06/23


分ける ・the preparation during its isolation from intact tissue. = 組織から分取する(取り出す) [B] ・Separation of mesenchymal cells from epithelial cells is important in the establishment of primary cultures of epithelial cells. = 間葉細胞の分離(完全な切り分け)がとても大事 ・The contamination by oral epithelium was considered to be minimal because the layer of ameloblast-lineage cells is separated by alveolar bone from the oral epithelium in the rat incisor.= 下顎骨で隔てられている ・so it can easily be stripped off with minimum contamination by dental mesenchymal cells. = ひきはがすことが容易だ

わざと ・cultures of AL cells were intentionally contaminated with dental papilla cells (at ratios of ameloblast-lineage cell to dental papilla of 10:0, 9:1, 7:3, 5:5 and 0:10).

割合 ・the relative number of scattering cells was much greater than in the ansence of HGF <Proportion of はダメ [B]>
・cultures of AL cells were intentionally contaminated with dental papilla cells ( at ratios of ameloblast-lineage cell to dental papilla of 10:0, 9:1, 7:3, 5:5 and 0:10).

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