©1998-2025, Kyu-hachi TABATA | updated on
2019/06/23 |
[な] | |
とびら | |
あ | か | さ | た | な | は | ま | や | ら | わ | 数 | 雑 | |
に | 似ている | →同様の |
妊娠マウス | ・Pregnant ICR mice were purchased from SLC Ltd. (Shizuoka, Japan). The day a vaginal plug appeared was designated as E0 (embryonic day 0). | |
の | 〜で述べたように | ・as indicated in the Result = Result で記すように ・as descrived above = 前述のように |
〜を除く | ・after removal of the culture medium = メディウムを除去した後
・with the exception of those in the cervical loop = CL でのそれをのぞいて |
とびら へ | 前へ 次へ |
↑ トップへ |